
Keynote & invited speakers

Myriam Gorospe

NIA, Baltimore, USA

Manuel Serrano

Altos Labs, Cambridge, UK

Maria Abad

Altos Labs, Cambridge, UK

Han Li

Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

Elsa Logarinho

i3S, Porto, Portugal

Daniel Muñoz-Espín

Daniel Muñoz-Espín, University of Cambridge, UK

Masashi Narita

CRUK-CI, Cambridge, UK

Björn Schumacher

IGSAD, Cologne, Germany

Sofia Ferreira


University of Edinburgh, UK

Carlos Anerillas


CBMSO, Madrid, Spain

José Alberto López Domínguez


CIC Salamanca, Spain

Marta Montes Resano


CIMA, Pamplona, Spain

(ECR: Early Career Researcher)

  • Keynote Lectures (x2): Myriam Gorospe, NIA, Baltimore (USA);  Manuel Serrano, Altos Labs Cambridge (UK);
  • Invited Speakers (x10): Early career and senior scientists
  • Selected Talks from abstracts (x19): With a special attention to predoc/postdoc contributions
  • Poster Teasers (x12): Opportunities for many to speak and promote posters

SENESCEL conference is committed with gender balance. Thus, our list of invited speakers is composed of 50% male and 50% female scientists. Not only that, but we will also keep a balanced representation among the selected talks from the abstracts ensuring the presence of both male and female scientists in equal numbers.

Similarly, we have reserved a number of places for very early-career scientists among our list of invited speakers. Young PIs who are just starting their laboratories in 2024 will have the opportunity to inform the community about their research plans and future prospects. This representation of early-career scientists will be even more pronounced among those selected for short talks from the abstracts received. We will encourage the participation of predocs and postdocs and they will be preferably selected to give short talks (19 in total). Among those who present posters, we will select 12 for a poster teaser talk so that the number of opportunities to speak and be heard is maximum.

Funding from sponsorship will be dedicated to facilitating the participation of students and early-career scientists.