Code of conduct

Our conference is committed to organizing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.

As an organisation, SENESCEL values and promotes inclusivity and is committed to ensuring that the events we host are inclusive.
To ensure that everyone enjoys this meeting and feels they can participate fully, all participants are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct which outlines both expected and unacceptable behaviour.

– Behaviour that is expected of all participants:

All participants should:

  • behave professionally,
  • adhere to mutually acceptable forms of address and greeting, with consideration for the meeting’s participants as a whole,
  • treat everyone with respect and dignity,
  • help create an inclusive and safe environment.

– Behaviour that is unacceptable:

Harassment, intimidation, or unacceptable behaviour includes but is not limited to:

  • offensive or unwanted gestures, behaviour, or comments, including over social
  • making threats or bullying,
  • sexualised images or content, unwelcome sexual attention, or stalking,
  • any behaviour that has the effect or intent of intimidation, loss of dignity or creation of a hostile environment.

Conduct normally becomes harassment if it persists once it has been made clear that the behaviour is regarded as offensive, but a single incident may amount to harassment if it is sufficiently serious.

– What to do if you experience or witness unacceptable behaviour

Please notify a member of the organisational team as soon as you are able; they can be identified by the rainbow sticker on their name tags. Staff will be able to assist those experiencing unacceptable behaviour to feel safe for the duration of the conference.

You can also report a breach of the Code of Conduct at a later date in confidence by emailing our inclusivity officer, Sabela Da Silva (

– Consequences of failing to follow the Code of Conduct

Once staff are made aware of any unacceptable behaviour, those responsible will be asked to cease their behaviour immediately. Depending on the nature and severity of the incident they may be:

  • required to avoid all interaction with or physical proximity to the individual(s)
    who was/were affected by the behaviour,
  • no longer permitted to participate in talks,
  • subject to an official complaint raised by SENESCEL with the individual’s institution,
  • required to leave the event immediately.

Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers.